Cognito Broadcast

How to Write Better Code Using Mutation Testing

When developers talk about “test coverage” they are typically talking about how many lines of code are executed by their test suite. This is a simple calculation: what percentage of our code was run by our tests? We don’t want to accidentally break our code later so having strong test coverage is important.

Mutation testing is not an alternative to line coverage. While line coverage asks “what percentage of our code is run by our tests,” mutation testing asks “what code can I change without breaking your tests?” Mutation testing tools answer this question by applying and testing small modifications to your application.

This post explores how asking “what changes don’t break my tests?” can benefit more than just test coverage. Using a ruby mutation testing tool called mutant, I’ll introduce and reflect on two separate code examples to demonstrate how mutation testing helps you improve both your tests and your code itself.

Mutant keeps your tests honest

Consider this script for looking up users who tweeted ‘“I really enjoy #pizza”’:

require 'twitter'

class Tweeters
  def recent
    query.first(3).map do |tweet|


  def query'"I really enjoy #pizza"')

  def api_client do |config|
      config.consumer_key        = ENV['TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY']
      config.consumer_secret     = ENV['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET']
      config.access_token        = ENV['TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN']
      config.access_token_secret = ENV['TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET']

puts if __FILE__ == $0

To illustrate the difference between “line coverage” and “mutation coverage” consider this intentionally bad test:

require 'simplecov'

require 'tweeters'
require 'rspec'

RSpec.describe Tweeters do
  it 'returns results' do
    expect( be(nil)

Now if I run this test:

$ rspec -I. -rpizza_spec.rb

Finished in 0.94429 seconds (files took 1.38 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /dev/coverage. 15 / 15 LOC (100.0%) covered.

My test passed with 100% coverage.

If I run this test again with mutant and instruct it to only mutate the recent instance method then I see the following summary:

Mutations:       36
Kills:           19
Coverage:        52.78%

See full output

This tells me that my recent method actually has 52.78% mutation coverage! This means that mutant found 36 ways it could change my method and only 19 of those changes resulted in my test failing.

Mutant shows me what my tests missed. For example, here are three of the nineteen mutations my tests did not catch:

 def recent
- query.first(3).map do |tweet|
- "@#{tweet.user.screen_name}"
- end
+  self

 def recent
   query.first(3).map do |tweet|
- "@#{tweet.user.screen_name}"
+    nil

 def recent
   query.first(3).map do |tweet|
- "@#{tweet.user.screen_name}"
+    "@#{tweet.user}"

Again, the test for this script was intentionally bad, but the difference in results is important. All my test did was assert that my recent method did not return null. This assertion did technically exercise 100% of the code though so the line coverage tool is reporting 100% coverage. Mutant quickly showed me that it could make my method return self, [nil, nil, nil], and ['@#<Twitter::User:0x1>', '@#<Twitter::User:0x2>', '@#<Twitter::User:0x3>']without breaking my tests.

The takeaway here is not that line coverage is bad. You can write good tests without mutant. Instead, think of mutation testing as an x-ray for your tests. Running mutant on new code can help you double check that your tests are covering everything you care about. Mutant can also be a powerful tool when conducting a code review. It is easy to see roughly which methods are tested, but it can be hard to spot what that original author might have overlooked.

Mutant helps you write more robust code

Imagine you are tasked with creating an endpoint in your company’s internal API which does two tasks:

  • Looking up users by their unique id
  • Returning a list of users which signed up after a certain date

A few hours later you write the following code

class UsersController < ApplicationController>
  # Looks up GET param `user_id` and returns user
  # @return [User]
  # @api public
  def show
    render json:[:user_id].to_i)
  rescue UserFinder::RecordNotFound => error
    render json: { error: error.to_s }

  # Finds users created after date specified in GET param `after`
  # @return [Array<User>] list of users
  # @api public
  def created_after
    after = Date.parse(params[:after])
    render json:

Along with this code you write some unit tests for the different edge cases you expect your controller to handle:

$ rspec --format documentation users_controller_spec.rb

  returns a user when given a valid id
  renders JSON error when given an invalid id

  returns multiple users given an early date
  excludes users created before date and includes users after
  renders empty array when date is in the future

Finished in 0.00433 seconds (files took 0.23881 seconds to load)
5 examples, 0 failures

You deploy your new features and move on to your next task. Later, you find out that the front end team reported a bug in your API. Apparently every request they make returns

  "error": "Could not find User with 'id'=0"

That same day you find out that the marketing team thinks your “new users” endpoint doesn’t work either. Apparently they sometimes get empty results when they shouldn’t. You end up spending the day debugging for your co-workers and eventually figure out what they were doing wrong.

To the front end developer you explain

The API expects the parameter user_id but you specified id. My code ends up getting nil when it tries to get the user_id parameter which is coerced 0 which explains why you always got that error.

moving on to the marketing team you explain

You need to write your dates in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". The problem was when you were searching things like “last December” which ruby parses as December of this year.

What if we ran mutant on this code before shipping it? Running mutant on UsersController we see the following alive mutations:

 def created_after
- after = Date.parse(params[:after])
+  after = Date.iso8601(params[:after])

 def created_after
- after = Date.parse(params[:after])
+  after = Date.parse(params.fetch(:after))

 def show
- render(json:[:user_id].to_i))
+  render(json:[:user_id])))
 rescue UserFinder::RecordNotFound => error
   render(json: { error: error.to_s })

 def show
- render(json:[:user_id].to_i))
+  render(json:
 rescue UserFinder::RecordNotFound => error
   render(json: { error: error.to_s })

Mutant is helping me reduce the side effects that my application will permit. These four mutations eliminate subtle bugs which produce misleading errors and incorrect output.

1. Requiring parameters with Hash#fetch

Date.parse(params[:after]) → Date.parse(params.fetch(:after))

In both actions before we used Hash#[] which implicitly returns nil if the specified key is not present. Hash#fetch on the other hand will raise an error if the specified key is not present. As a result, mutant makes me think about the use case where an implementer of the API does not provide an expected parameter.

2. Better type coercion with Kernel#Integer

params[:user_id].to_i → Integer(params[:user_id])

In UsersController#show we called #to_i on our user_id parameter. This ended up coercing nil into 0 which made our final error message more confusing. #to_i will do its best to coerce any input, but this is often not what we want:

nil.to_i     # => 0
'hello'.to_i # => 0

Mutant replaces this with Kernel#Integer which is more strict:

Integer(nil)     # => TypeError: can't convert nil into Integer
Integer('hello') # => ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "hello"

3. Rejecting invalid dates with Date.iso8601

Date.parse(params[:after]) → Date.iso8601(params[:after])

In UsersController#created_after we called Date#parse which tries to parse any string it thinks could be a date. This sounds handy, but in practice it often can be a subtle source of bugs since all it really needs to see are two adjacent numbers or three letters which could be a month abbreviation:

# Seems useful!
Date.parse('May 1st 2015')      # => #<Date: 2015-05-01>
Date.parse('2015-05-01')        # => #<Date: 2015-05-01>

# Never mind
Date.parse('Maybe not a date')  # => #<Date: 2015-05-01>
Date.parse('I am 10 years old') # => #<Date: 2015-10-10>

Ruby has many more specific date parsing methods. In this case mutant found that iso8601 still works with the tests cases we specified:

# Actually useful!
Date.iso8601('2015-05-01')        # => #<Date: 2015-05-01>
Date.iso8601('May 1st 2015')      # => invalid date (ArgumentError)
Date.iso8601('Maybe not a date')  # => invalid date (ArgumentError)
Date.iso8601('I am 10 years old') # => invalid date (ArgumentError)

Each mutation was better fit for the use case in question. The replacement methods were more likely to throw errors when given unexpected input. Knowing this during the development cycle causes me to handle these edge cases since I don’t want an exception to go uncaught and produce an application error. Even if I do forget to cover one of these use cases though the alternative is still preferable: an exception is thrown in production instead of weird behavior silently degrading my app’s quality for months. I know about the error the first time a user triggers it instead of the first time a user complains.

Add mutant to your workflow

Mutant is a powerful tool for improving your code. At Cognito we try to always check the mutation coverage before shipping code to production. You don’t have to aim for 100% coverage to benefit from tools like mutant. Simply running mutant against your codebase and seeing what it can change should help you better understand what tests you are missing and what code could be improved.

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