Changelog for October 18, 2021

KYC Details in the Flow API, PO box and residential address determinations, and more 📬


  • KYC check details are now available via API! Flow Sessions now contain a kyc_check object with the following information to help you see why the KYC step passed or failed:
  "kyc_check": {
    "status": "success",
    "address": {
      "summary": "match",
      "po_box": "yes",
      "type": "residential"
    "name": {
      "summary": "match"
    "date_of_birth": {
      "summary": "match"
    "id_number": {
      "summary": "match"
    "phone": {
      "summary": "match"
  • Flow now tries to determine if addresses are P.O. boxes. Currently only available via API
  • Flow now tries to determine if addresses are residential or commercial. Currently only available via API
  • Publishable keys are now visible in the API Keys section of the settings modal. These were previously only visible as part of the Flow integration modal


  • Improved the quality of documentary verification name matching
  • Improved the way partial matches are computed for phones and dates of birth so that partial results are easier to understand


  • Fixed some occasional instances of less reliable data being reported in Flow's risk check system
  • Fixed a small visual glitch with the Delete User option in the settings modal
  • Fixed a bug where it was briefly not possible to rotate TFA device
  • Fixed event emission for pending_review steps on Flow's frontend event system
  • Fixed a bug which occasionally caused a documentary verification to get stuck

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