Changelog for February 14, 2022

Auto-advancing Screening reviews, performance improvements, and universal docs search 💘


  • When you finish reviewing a Screening, you will now be automatically advanced to the next Screening assigned to you or the next unassigned one pending review.

    Screening auto-advance

  • You can now search across our API docs and API reference with a universal search system! Quickly jump between docs and discover pages as you're developing when ⌘ + F isn't good enough.

    Universal docs search


  • The Flow dashboard should now load Flow session history significantly faster, particularly for customers with a large number of sessions or for users with a slow network connection. For some customers, pages will now load 4-5x faster.

  • The Flow dashboard will now consistently show all document fields with a tooltip explaining when they could not be extracted

  • The Screening index now matches the Flow index so you can preview which country a customer is from without clicking into the page.

    New Screening index


  • Fixed a bug where older iOS devices were unable to scan Flow QR codes for mobile handoff
  • Fixed a data issue where some fields would display no_data for full name matches, phone matches, and date of birth matches. No overall session results were changed but match breakdowns are now less confusing when viewed on the dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where the list of users able to review a screening were not being loaded correctly which could lead to an error message or a wrongly shortened list of assignable users.
  • Fixed a separate bug where some users that were not applicable users were not being shown in the assignee dropdown for screenings.
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent manual reviews from succeeding in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where some Flow sessions would render an error on the dashboard
  • Fixed a bug where the Flow creation API endpoint would return a 500 error instead of a helpful validation if a name was submitted without at least one alphabetic character.
  • Fixed an edge case in Flow configurations where the first step can't be determined until a user selects a country.

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